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Welcome to the website of the DHANT conference: Digital Humanities and Antiquity / Humanités Numériques et Antiquité!

Scholars and researchers in Classics (literary critics, editors, historians, archaeologists, etc.) have been using digital technologies for some time now. However, there is still the need to compare different approaches of the digital in this specific domain, as well as to circulate knowledge in order to envisage possible future developments.

To address these concerns, this conference is organised around four fundamental axes: Digital editions of texts; Scholias and commentaries; Archaeology and Epigraphy; Prosopography and historical geography.

The conference will take place in Grenoble (France) on the 3rd and 4th of September 2015, and it will also include a poster session. The conference will be preceded by a day of workshops on Wednesday the 2nd of September 2015, and will be concluded by a round table on Friday the 4th of September.
The conference is sponsored by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme-Alpes, the  Universities Grenoble 2 and Grenoble 3, and the research teams HISOMA (UMR 5189), Litt&Arts-Translatio (EA 7355), and GERCI (EA 611).

Registration is required but is free of charge for both workshops and the conference. At registration you will be asked to choose:

We look forward to welcome you to our event which will undoubtedly be interesting and rich!

Isabelle Cogitore and Elena Pierazzo


 Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Alpes      Université Stendhal Grenoble 3         Université Pierre Mendès France           Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

 LIG           Logo LITT&ARTS          Hisoma        GERCI




Update: all rooms of workshops now online
Update: time and rooms of the workshops added
Visit to the fablab, TESSERAE and SNAP workshops now full!
Register for the visit to the fablab MSTIC, Wednesday 2 September after the workshops (20 people max)
Late Breaking Call pour des Posters! send your proposal by the 10th of June to isabelle.cogitore [at] and elena.pierazzo [at]
Website online
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